Sunday, 3 January 2010

Another (long) day at the office...

Not one usually to leave a mess on my desk, January has brought with it the welcome but all-encompassing onslaught of business...

The 12 days of Christmas nearly over, tinsel still adorns the desks and trees are still standing but a deserted office, 3 hours after we should have closed is enough for anyone to just want to down tools.

Here's an image of my desk, PC mid-shutdown, brain mid-befuddlement. Customers have their invoices, cruiselines have their bookings, I have my eye on my target and tomorrow looms larger than ever.

I need some Zs....

1 comment:

  1. Reading this post I completely agree with the concept detailed over here....after a week long vacation even our office looked similar to one of those shown in this post.
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